Why I live where I live

Posted by Bert Beetle on Sunday, May 17, 2020 Under: Farm life

After this week’s easing of restrictions on the Covid-19 lockdown I started seeing people complain on social media sites about the number of people coming to and travelling around our small towns of Dayboro and Mt Mee, especially the number of motor bike riders. So I started wondering, why do people live where they live.

We chose our place because of the seclusion, we are the end property of a dead-end street so we don’t have any “passing traffic” but we do here the bike riders travelling around the ridge roads. Seclusion isn’t the main reason I love living where I do though.  It is the peace being shattered in the early morning as the roosters start to crow and the geese honk, it is the crisp air in winter (even though winter hasn’t officially started yet), it is the steam rising from fresh from the cow milk, it is sitting under the trees drinking coffee in the morning or having a drink in the afternoon and watching the farm animals go about their routine, it is being content in life itself because as those who know my main philosophy of life know “we must live our dash” because we are not rehearsing for life we must live it.

Why do you live where you do, is it because of family?

Is it so my kids could spend more time with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and their cousins?

Or maybe it’s a job or career opportunity?

Or is it because of the weather?

Or is it just because it’s where you always lived and it’s home in your mind? Or maybe you are an adventurer and move to new places all of the time?

In our comments area please share your reasons why you live where you live and whether or not it’s the perfect place to call home. If not, where would you love to live and why?

In : Farm life 

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About Us

We brought Em Nau Farm in late 2011 as a lifestyle change choice. We will be producing cheese, jams, sauces and breads from our kitchen and breeding chooks, dairy goats and cattle all whilst keeping up our ‘day jobs’.

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